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It’s only natural to stress out slightly when you open the mailbox to see a new electricity bill inside. This stressing out can easily develops into a full-blown panic in the winter and summer months when electric usage is at its peak. It doesn’t matter what climate you live in, you probably spend quite a bit on heating and cooling your home. Numbers would suggest that up to 40% of total electricity costs come from this necessary task alone. Making matters worse, without proper insulation in your home you’re probably losing around 50% of the heated or cooled air you pay to pump into your home. This can be extremely frustrating, not to mention expensive. What can you do to fight back?

Heating Options To Consider This Winter

There are a few things you might want to take care of before we get started. If your home is losing energy, you first need to find a way to prevent this.

  • Insulation: You can alleviate some of these problems by having new insulation put in. If you’ve got a house benefiting from plenty of sunlight, you should consider insulating the ceilings and floors in addition to the walls
  • Shades: Consider having shades installed to help filter out some of the sunlight that is heating your home
  • Draughts: To draught-proof your home, make sure you seal the draughts around all windows and doors

You might have just accepted that having high electricity bills are unavoidable. It’s far more likely, though, that you have wondered if you have any options to combat this soaring cost. The good news is, there’s plenty you can do. Let’s take a look at some other heating options available to you, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each of these options.

1) Central Heating

A central heating system uses a primary heating appliance like a furnace, boiler or heat pump. Depending on where you live, some heating appliances use gas as fuel, some use oil, and others rely on a hybrid of oil and gas. Your heating appliance uses combustion to create hot gasses, and it passes these gases through a heat exchanger. Air from your home is drawn into the heat exchanger so it can be warmed up, and is then belched out through a system of ducts or pipes with the warmed air forced out through vents into your home. There are many benefits to using central air, but there are also inevitably a few downsides.


  • Heating the home quickly and evenly, central heating systems are extremely convenient
  • This type of system is relatively inexpensive to install, and repairs and replacements are also fairly affordable
  • You have plenty of control with a central heating system, as you can determine which rooms receive heat. This can help you spend less on energy bills by not heating unused spaces.
  • Central heating systems can often serve double duty as central cooling systems as well, saving you even more money


  • While working hard to keep all of the rooms in your home warm, central heating systems burn through a lot of energy. This can increase costs so be aware
  • Central heating systems have a reputation of being quite noisy because you can hear the air blowing throughout the system of ducts
  • Central heating systems allow allergens to travel through and be blown about the house. This is no good for any allergy sufferers in your home

2) Gas Space Heaters

A gas heater utilizes gas to produce heat for your home. In the intake duct of the heater, gas enters and meets the flame.
This flame creates heat that flows through a series of tubes inside the heater. Cool air from the room is drawn into the
heater and flows over the heated tubes where it’s heated. In a portable gas heater, this warm air then passes through a heat
exchanger and a fan then blows this heated air out into the room. If a permanently installed gas heater is used, the heated
air moves through the heat exchanger and is forced out into the home through vents. Gas space heaters can burn different
types of gas, but the most commonly used is natural gas.


  • Most gas heaters use natural gas which is quite budget-friendly
  • Natural gas is also clean-burning
  • Great at providing a warm heat, gas space heaters are a smart way to supplement an existing heating system
  • Many options to choose from like radiant or convection, flued or unflued, and portable or fixed


  • While they provide plenty of warmth, they are often not good at providing enough heat on their own. You really need multiple gas space heaters, or to make sure you can move the one you have around the house if it’s portable
  • Any type of can be combustible which is obviously a fire hazard. This type of heater must be used in a well-ventilated area and shouldn’t be left unsupervised
  • Need to be serviced regularly (every 2 years) by a licensed gas fitter, adding to the cost

3) Electric Heaters

Electrical heaters work by converting electrical current into heat. Electrical energy flows through the wires of the heater and this electrical energy is converted into thermal energy. Air is drawn from your home and flows across these heated elements and is then forced out into your home to warm it. There are 3 main types of wires used in electrical heaters:

  • Open wire
  • Open ribbon
  • Tubular cased wire

All wires must be encased in a material that prevents users from experiencing electric shock. Make sure your electrical heating unit has safeguards such as a wire grill to keep the wires from being touched and an automatic shutoff in case of overheating. Here’s a snapshot of the pros and cons of choosing electric heaters to heat up your home.


  • Electrical installation of electric heaters is generally simple, as no pipework or flues need to be installed. This also allows them to be placed anywhere within a room
  • Because electrical heating uses no fuel to create heat, there are no risks of explosions or carbon monoxide poisoning
  • With no moving parts that can break down or wear out, electrical heating is a reliable method of heating and should last the distance
  • Electrical heating leaves almost no ecological footprint, meaning it’s a very green method of heating your home as well as economical
  • Many types to choose from including permanent electrical installation heaters, portable heaters, radiant electrical heaters, electrical fan heaters, split system heaters and convection heaters
  • Electric heaters tend to heat up quickly, allowing you to be warm and cozy much sooner


  • As electrical heating systems use electricity to create the heat necessary to warm the home, they can raise your electricity bill
  • Electrical heating systems should really not be used in wet areas due to the risk of electrical shock. This means you shouldn’t use them in a kitchen or bathroom meaning you’ll be freezing when you step out of the shower
  • If the electricity goes out due to a snowstorm, you’ll be left in the cold. With no electricity, your electrical heating system will evidently be unable to function
  • If using a portable electric heater, they really only work well alongside another heating system. They’re too small to heat entire rooms or whole homes, which means you’ll need to move it around the house with you

4) Wood Heaters

The atmosphere created by a fire blazing in the fireplace on a cold winter evening is tough to beat. It’s not just cozy but the flames are entrancing! In addition to fireplaces, there are also wood burning stoves and pellet stoves. It doesn’t much matter which type of wood heating we are discussing, all wood heating methods work by burning wood products in order to create heat. Some of this wood is sources from fallen trees, some comes from the store, and some comes in the form of specially created pellets that are fed into a special stove. All wood heating methods require work on your part to get them operating and to keep them heating your home. There are some benefits and some drawbacks to using this method of heating your home, so let’s double down on those now before we wrap up.


  • Many Australian homes already have open fireplaces, so there’s no need to install anything new
  • Wood is a sustainable resource, making burning wood for heat an environmentally friendly option
  • Wood is cheaper than gas or electricity, so you’ll naturally cut your heating costs
  • If the electricity goes out, you still have a way to keep your family warm
  • If necessary (or perhaps just for fun), you can use the fireplace for cooking
  • Ambiance cannot be recreated with any other method of heating


  • 90% of the heat created in an open fireplace is lost through the chimney
  • Fire is dangerous and must be continually supervised
  • If you use a system that must be replenished outside the home (like some pellet stoves), you have to go out in the cold to feed wood to the fire so your home stays warm
  • The soot from burning wood is messy, gets everywhere and is hard to clean
  • You must have your chimney cleaned and inspected for safety, otherwise you risk poisoning

Final Word

As you can see, there are many different methods of heating your home and staying warm this winter, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. If you need help determining which is best for you and your home, give us a call and we’ll be only too happy to help!

Many things have changed the way businesses operate over the years, but technological advances have brought about by far the biggest of those changes. This technology innovation has streamlined the way businesses reach out and get involved with their base of customers. Technology also gives businesses the opportunity to improve the way they deliver their products, helps them find areas where they can cut costs and increase productivity, and helps them to improve customer service. All of these things are vital to the success of any business, and technology is a great help. Sometimes though, it can be difficult to accept and integrate new technology. Many people struggle with change, even if that change can bring about better services and profits. If you’re here, you are probably at least somewhat interested in integrating new technologies into your business to help you and your employees work better. Today we’ll explore some of the options at your disposal and give you some useful tips on how to integrate them into your workplace.

Adapting To New Technology

If you’re late to the game in adopting new technology, you can quickly fall behind competitors and this can put your business on the line. To avoid this, you need to stay on top of changing trends and technologies for your field of business, and maintain an awareness of programs and solutions for other areas within your business. More than 30% of Australians feel that having access to new technology innovations is an important workplace benefit. When businesses are more technologically advanced, they are more likely to draw in millennials who are looking for work and who will soon be running businesses themselves. If you want to attract new business, you must have tools in place that are wanted by up-and- coming business owners and professionals.
Cloud-Based Programs – How They Can Help Streamline Processes
You’ve likely got several employees in dozens of roles with each one wearing multiple hats. It’s also probable many of these workers are under quite a bit of stress. Running a business in today’s world is unlike any other time in history, and to stay on top you must be willing to adapt and change at the drop of a hat. There are dozens of cloud-based software programs you can use to alleviate stress and streamline processes in your business. Perhaps the most significant benefit of the cloud is the way you can store and share data regardless of what physical platform you use. Beyond this, you’ll be able to sidestep the need for such a heavily populated IT department as you won’t need to concern yourself with servers or constant maintenance.
Outsource all this to a cloud provider and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. There are plenty of accounting programs to help with billing and receiving, as well as tax preparation, and programs to help streamline the process of hiring new employees and onboarding them. There are cloud-based methods to help you achieve your marketing and advertising goals. All of these things can be done using the cloud and can help your employees work in a smarter way, reducing burnout and stress for everyone. Read on to learn more about how these technology innovations can benefit you.

How To Adapt Your Workplace

When changing anything in your workplace, it’s vital not to implement sweeping changes without warning. Make sure all your staff are prepared to adapt to these changes so you and your team reap the maximum benefit.
1) Keep Your Goals In Mind
Make sure your team is aware of the goal of implementing these new technologies. They’re much more likely to come on board without grumbling if they understand the bigger picture.
2) Explain Clearly
Again, employees and staff are much more likely to be receptive to change if they feel everything is transparent. Make sure the whole team understands why these changes are being made, how they are being made and how they will benefit everyone in the business.
3) Train Well
Make sure you train your team well on how to use these programs to their full potential. Show them how they will streamline processes and smooth out workflow. Try to customize the training experience so each team member has some ownership over these changes. Perhaps select a few employees at the outset, and train them beforehand so that they already have an understanding of the programs before you move on to training the whole company.
4) Get Feedback
Make sure you get feedback from your team. If something just isn’t working the way you anticipated, you need to know. Be prepared for negative and positive feedback. Just keep working toward the common goal of better productivity and a streamlined process.

Types of Technologies and Benefits

Cloud-based software is being used by businesses around the globe to improve operations and integrations of other parts of the organization at hand. Cloud technology gives business owners the power to give others within the organization access to all necessary information via cloud-based platforms that can be accessed from anywhere. Organisational partners or employees can access this information through a secure portal on the Internet, or through a cloud-based platform on a mobile device.
Also, owners have the ability to grant or revoke access at any time without needing to get others involved, and this can improve security. Cloud technology has helped businesses and organisations to slash money spent on onsite servers and equipment necessary for running day-to-day operations. Without the need for on-site technology solutions, organisations can also save money on IT staff responsible for operating and maintaining these servers. With the advent of cloud technology, a cloud provider is responsible for the updates, maintenance, security, and backups of information. We know it can be a real headache to gather all documentation for hiring and orienting new clients and employees, keeping track of information for tax credits and the like, tracking authorisations for work, and managing a hundred other behind the scenes administrative tasks. Not only must these tasks be properly carried out but generally a business needs employees in several different departments to ensure these things are done. These employees cost money, and the whole situation is a high-pressure area for managerial staff. Making use of a cloud-based software system can greatly improve the process of compliance automation. If you’re a person who needs to see the numbers to understand the full picture, take a look at this. When compared to organisations that still use traditional hiring methods, organisations that have switched to using cloud-based software to streamline their hiring and onboarding process for new employees enjoy a 9% increase in productivity with these new hires. If you’re looking for help in the accounting department, instead of hiring new employees, consider switching to a cloud-based tax software. Businesses that have done this have slashed 90% of the paperwork used in traditional tax preparation. In addition to tax preparation help, you can also use cloud-based softwares to bill your customers for services provided. Reducing the amount of time managerial staff spends on administrative tasks is crucial for any growing company or organisation. Freeing up this time will allow them to focus on the growth of the business rather than mundane tasks that can be easily automated with the use of cloud technology.
Saving paper not only saves money, but is eco-friendly. If you’re a franchise style business looking for ways to streamline your information, training, compliance and other important goals throughout your company, cloud technology makes sense too. Using a VPN (virtual private network) allows you to share information across a private network. You can allow employees, contractors and others to securely access this network anytime and from anywhere. No longer must your franchisee on the other side of the country wait on your availability, because they can access the information needed right when they need it through the VPN. Along those same lines, you could create an app in the cloud-based software that would allow your mobile workers to be tethered to the home office of the business whenever necessary as well. When working in the field, they can use the app to make appointments, schedule maintenance, order supplies and bill customers in- app. Expanding your business used to be quite an ordeal, but with technology innovation offering new solutions regularly, it is easier than ever before to achieve growth. Technology innovation brings the ability to gather important details from social media, current and former customers and other sources. You can then use this information to help your team develop marketing plans that will target a specific group of people. Let’s say you can tell that the majority of your customers are in Perth, but you wish to extend your reach slightly farther. You can use the information that’s been gathered to build a marketing initiative full of offers and promotions geared directly toward the customers in the specific region you want to expand into. Without using a cloud-based software driven by cloud technology, it would be impractical to build a marketing program like this. There’s just too much data available for people to sift through and find the important bits. Harnessing the power of a cloud-based software is the only way to get the needed insights for a goal such as this. Marketing is vital to the growth and expansion of any business and you should take advantage of these innovations in technology to stay on top.

Final Word

Change can cause apprehension for anyone, especially people who are used to doing things in one specific way. Making sure your team is engaged and understands the purpose of this change can go a long way in ensuring the transition to a business rooted in cloud technology works thrives.