How to Safeguard Your Family This Winter Against Home Electrical Hazards

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Do you prepare for the winter by unpacking the electric blankets and curling up by the fire with your hot chocolate? These are some of the best things to many people about the winter months. As you are snuggling up, however, it’s important to keep safety in mind! With the increased use of heating appliances, winter can become more dangerous in terms of electrical faults.

The good news is that it’s easy to take measures and precautions to safeguard both yourself and your family from these electrical hazards. Here are some steps you can take to stay safe from electrical hazards in the winter months:

Inspect Electrical Equipment and Appliances

 In the beginning of winter, check your electrical equipment and appliances for any issues. Keep an eye out for loose connections, frayed cords and wires, pinched insulation on wires, and similar issues. If your wiring is damaged, overheated, or cracked, this could be a hazard. Check everything on your property, from smoke alarms, to lighting, to sockets. Replace any appliances that show signs of damage, or at least have the equipment checked and then repaired if needed. When doing this, it’s a good idea to work with a qualified electrician to make sure you don’t miss anything!

Heater and Light Placement

 Keep your safety knowledge up to date when it comes to lights and plug-in heaters. Clean heaters to remove any build-up of dust. Keep heaters in open spaces instead of enclosed areas, as enclosed spaces can lead to fire or overheating. In addition, never leave your heaters unattended when they are turned on.

You also need to keep light bulbs positioned a safe distance away from flammable materials, such as upholstery, plastics, drapes, and bedding. Prior to changing your light bulbs, switch the light off and unplug it from the socket. Make sure the bulb you use is the proper wattage to prevent overheating.

Electrical Beds and Blankets

 Are you the kind of person who loves cuddling up under electrical or heated beds and blankets? To make sure they are safe for use first, ensure that there is no distortion, damage, or wires poking out. Also make sure to remember to turn your electric blanket or bed off when you’re not using them and keep heavy items off them to prevent accidental damage.

Water and Electrical Safety

 It’s best if outlets in bathrooms and kitchens are installed a safe distance away from showers and sinks. If they’re not, consider using outlet plug covers to prevent accidental contact with the water and electric shock as a result. Make sure your hands are completely dry before handling electrical appliances like hair dryers and make sure to educate any children your home about doing the same.

Get Help from an Expert

 Of course, these are just the basics on keeping your home safe from electrical hazards in the winter months. To make sure that your home and your family is safe from electrical hazards during the colder months, call in an electrician to inspect your home for any potential signs of trouble!

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