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In an age where the range of laptops, tablets, smartphones and other devices hang around the home and office like furniture, it is hard to imagine a time without them. But they are here to stay and all need regular charging with USB chargers. But bulky USB adaptors, such as the big box at the end of your iPhone charger, not only hogs outlet space in the home, office or public space, but also takes up unnecessary space in your pocket, bag or indeed suitcase when on your travels. With USB power points becoming more of a necessity than a luxury, you may have started to ponder if it is time to upgrade your power points and start thinking about hiring a professional domestic electrician to make life easier.

Fortunately, USB power points are now regularly being installed by a domestic electrician in Perth like Richtek Electrical Solutions in new homes and flats and are increasingly becoming a popular feature requested by homeowners and investors. And installation is pretty straightforward. It comprises of a simple swap over, of an existing power point with a wall mounted USB Power point.

Most homes nowadays have a number of smart phones and tablets at the very least. Having said that, chances are with larger families, there is likely to be a whole host of other items that require USB charging including digital cameras, fitness trackers, video cameras, camcorders, mp3 players, Go-Pro, GPS, game consoles, and bike computers. The devices listed above are enough to cause mayhem in the home or office with tangled cables and traditional power points being overloaded. Not only are these unsightly, but they also represent some serious health and safety hazards around the home or office say electrician in Perth experts Richtek Electrical Solutions.

It is surprising that despite the exhaustive list above of devices needing USB power points changing points, the majority of homes still do not have USB sockets built into power points. But builders and domestic electricians in Perth are becoming savvy and wall mounted USB power points are being made widely available and are fast becoming standard installs both in commercial and residential homes.

USB Power Socket Options

The benefits

There are a plethora of benefits to installing USB power points both in your home and office. Richtek Electrical Solutions have listed some of the benefits below.

Greater current supply

Nearly all smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices can be charged using the charger for the device or plugging a cable into your computer or laptop’s USB port. But the standard desktop computer USB port is often limited to a maximum current of 500 amps. In contrast, wall chargers deliver a much higher voltage, which translates into being able to charge your device in less time. Therefore, by utilising a USB power points, you can enjoy the convenience of not having to charge your device constantly and hence saving on recharge time.

Far more convenient

We all have experienced frustrating moments when our device is operating on low battery but there is no charger to be found. It is often the case that we use our devices in multiple rooms so the charger could be in a number of different places. And when we need it the most, it is difficult to locate. But if you have power points with USB chargers dotted around your home or office, you no longer need to run around hunting your charger. You can simply plug in your device and top up on the battery. On top of that, since most USB power points have multiple ports, several devices can be charged simultaneously. This will help solve the problem of clutter in the shape of multiple bulky charger units.

Much better safety

Electrician specialist Richtek Electrical Solutions, who undertake any electric-related task in Perth and the surrounding areas, have witnessed cases where power points become a hazard due to the clutter of adapters and chargers. Plugging in numerous charger units can overload the power points, which is dangerous and could possibly result in a significant fire hazard. Thankfully, because USB power points are a lot more efficient at charging various devices, there is less need for using multiple power adaptors. As a result, the risk of overloading is minimised.

Increased durability

You may not be aware, but chargers for smartphones, tablets, video cameras, game consoles, and other mobile devices are susceptible to damage. Add to that, the need to buy a brand new charger when upgrading your device, it is highly unlikely your existing charger will be compatible with the new one. So, by getting an electrician in Perth to replace your outlets to power points with USB chargers, you will no longer need to rely on twitchy chargers because you can plug them in directly.

Planning for an electrical system in the home

Whеn planning the electrical system in your own home, it will pay to take into consideration installing dedicated USB power points аrоund thе house which can act аѕ charging stations. This will save you from constantly moving уоur devices аnd chargers around. Some of the key places tо install USB power points are, thе kitchen, living room, bedroom, hallway, landing and a home office. By having dedicated charging zones, areas will be less unsightly and you will know exactly where all your devices are. Nоt оnlу аrе dedicated charging areas lеѕѕ unsightly, but thеу аlѕо mаkе іt easier fоr уоu tо kеер track оf еxасtlу whеrе аll уоur devices are.

But installing a new USB power points or replacing an existing power point is not a task to take on board yourself. You need a qualified electrician in Perth like Richtek Electrical Solutions to do this for you. That’s because by law an electrical license іѕ required bеfоrе аnу electrical wiring work саn bе undertaken іn Perth. Richtek Electrcial Solutions іѕ licensed, insured аnd bonded tо carry оut thіѕ type оf electrical services іn Perth and surrounding areas.

If you need an electrical contractor for domestic or commercial purposes that guarantees quality workmanship, excellent communication and an efficient service, the professionals at Richtek Electrical Solutions are waiting to take your call. They can be contacted on (08) 9375 3926.


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