Your Local Leaking Shower and Grouting Specialists

25 Year Warranty

We offer a full 25 year warranty on all our grouting services

Same Day Service

We will be at your door within 2 hours

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Customer Satisfaction

Rated the number one grouting company

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You will receive booking confirmation via email or phone call. For urgent or after hours requests, please call us on 1300 448 507


We are a local family owned and operated grouting company who can take care of
all your grouting needs. Whether it’s re-grouting your shower, repairing your tiles or
waterproofing your shower or balcony. With our main focus being on customer
satisfaction, our reputation speaks for itself

Shower resealing work by Richtek Grouting

Shower Resealing

Have a leaking shower but don’t know where to start? Most shower leaks are caused from grout. As qualified plumbers and grouters we have got you covered. We can even do this without removing your old tiles.

Shower re-grouting work by Richtek Grouting

Shower Re-Grouting

We’re shower re-grouting specialists. We will completely remove your old grout, install a water proofing membrane, and re-grout your shower.

Tile re-grouting work by Richtek Grouting

Tile Re-Grouting

Bathroom floor or walls leaking or or looking a little worn out? We are your one stop re-grouting solution. All you need to do is call Richtek today and we will sort the rest.

Ricktek Shower Regrouting

Tile Repairs

Small holes or cracks in your shower or bathroom tiles? With over 20 years tiling experience we have got you covered. Don’t trust just anyone with your tiling needs, get the experts. Same day service is our guarantee.

Shower and Bathroom Mould Removal

Shower mould building up in your shower or bathroom? Richtek has the latest specialists mould removal equipment. Book a free quote today.

Leaking Shower Heads or Taps

As qualified plumbers we can take care of your leaking shower head or taps and carry out pressure tests on your plumbing to ensure you’re getting value for money with the correct diagnosis.


Shower Screens

Richtek use locally made glaziers to custom make our schower screens. We offer fully frameless, semi frameless and framed screens


Pressure Testing

As Richtek employe qualified Plumbers we are legally able to pressure test your plumbing system to ensure there’s no leaks before recommending any further works
Leak Detection Perth Services

Leak Detection

Richtek have invested the latest leak detection technology to ensure we are right on the money when locating leaks. Incorrectly diagnosing leaks can cause unnecessary damages to walls and floors.

Your satisfaction is what matters to us.

We’ll pick up where other trades may have let you down, by delivering a professional and efficient service that ticks all of your boxes. We’re sticklers for perfection and carry out our work to the highest of standards, regardless of how big or small your job may be. And we do it all with a smile.

Trusted by our partners

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